Friday, March 09, 2007

~The Clues Left Unseen~

~The clues left unseen~
give me a clue to were everything lays between us
i can hold nothing over you without reason
you left me for my own good
its just the shock that its wearing off now
gone are the times of getting to now each other
now i feel like were so far apart it wont matter
your heart wasn't in it, was that obvious in some way
i was not played like a fiddle for your enjoyment
more like a friend left to be lost at sea in a storm
where are the clues to this plot line i live
i could break no boundaries before they're made
missing the sound of your voice and your touch
so lonely now its like your miles away
yet we're separated only by a floor and that stake you placed here
don't push me away in hopes that it will make it easier
the harder you push the faster i fall away
consumed by the void of my mind
give me a clue as to were we lie with each other

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