Sunday, March 05, 2006

chaotic perfection

~Chaotic Perfection~

In the chaos of life perfection is simplicity
the calming beauty of the crashing ocean waves
slow flow trikling streamsas thy gurgle by

In the constant drumming of my heart it too refracts
your simplicity and perfection in the light of my eyes
it is chaotic yet so right and strong

I'm hold back my hopes an dreams for this simplicity, this perfection
but fear will only hold me tired down for so long
somethings are just ment to be even in the chaos of nature

In nature i fall with a designed path whirling and spinning about
but once let go i lose all deisign and my heart and mind dance to pumping of my blood
neither side of the dance is stronger than the other so eventually it will end

In life only time can tell us if our original design will work or is the simplicty of perfection is too overwhelmed by chaos

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